Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Tom Jones as a Rebellious young man

Tom Jones as a Rebellious  Young man
Henry Fielding was born in 1707. He began his career not as a novelist but a play-Wright.
Novel Tom Jones: here in the novel narrator is not a character. The novel is a comedy. Theme of the novel is a love and irony. The story moves around the life of Tom Jones.
Title of the novel: The history of Tom Jones. Tom is a protagonist, he is a common man. Some important points are related to the novel. a) false imprisonment
b) forced marriage c) circumstantial evidence
d) honesty V/S dishonesty.
The novel is full of dramatic irony.
Tom Jones as a rebellious young man:  Tom’s action consistently  indicate impulsive nature of youth and stam from crape diem philosophy.
The novel starts with Tom. Tom is very mischievous he is good human being by heart his brother Calles him “ bastered ” for others perspective he is not good human being. He grows up to be brave and young man. His true love is Sophia Western.
Tom express his personal approach to ‘doing justice’. Structure of the novel is ‘irony of form’. We can say that destiny plays vital role in Tom’s life.
Novel is combination of comedy and moral judgments.  He is madly love with Sophia , he can spontaneously go to bed with Molly Seagrime, Mrs. Waters, or Lady Bellaston.
Tom lives quite wildly he has thrown away all manners of sophisticated people, yet he is full of emotions.
His first fight with Blifil. We can say that his affairs come to the form of ‘Rebel’. He is rebellious for society. Because society doesn’t show his emotions and goodness. The novel has very deliberate purpose to teach moral lessons with example of Tom’s character.
Tom continually brings about his own troubles simply because his preoccupation with the present does not allow him to see the relationship between past, present, and future.
His words like this: “why do I blame fortune? I am myself the cause of all my misery.. all mischief’s which have fallen me…….”  
Tom makes us laugh at our own weakness.
Tom regains the proper balance between rationality and animal appetite a similar restoration of order occurs in society. The novel has very deliberated to teach moral lessons. One more important thing is that, we are witnessing a change in Tom’s character.

1 comment:

  1. This assignment is realy a good and it is helpful me for my exam so, Thank you.
