Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Rviews of Coledrige's Biographia Literaria Chapter-14

Reviews of Coledrige’s Biographia Literaria
Biography: Philosopher, poet, religious and political Samuel Taylor Coledrige was born in Devonshire England and attended the University of Cambridge in 1795.
            Biographia Literaria a fusion of autobiography, literary criticism and religious philosophical theory. He was the premier poet-critic of Modern English Tradition, distinguished for the scope and influence of his thinking about literature as much as for his innovative verse. It was published in 1817 in two volumes.
       His critical work was contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria. In Chapter XIV of Biographia Literaria Coledrige’s view on nature and function of poetry, difference between prose and poem, philosophical terms etc…Coledrige concerns himself not only with the practice of criticism but also with its theory. First we see the difference between Coledrige and Wordsworth.
Wordsworth:- He sought to give the charm of novelty to things of everyday objects of nature-by coloring with the power of imagination. Teacher-moraalist. Simplicity in diction-no difference between prose and poetry. High priest of nature.
Coledrige:- He sought to give the charm of novelty to things of everyday objects; known as supernatural nature. Created the atmosphere of magic. Lived in the world of fancy and thought.
In imaginative power and narrative skills, Coledrige surpassed Wordsworth. Coledrige focuses on these main points;
·      Fancy & Imagination
·      Greatest poetry is that which achieves synthesis among elements, emotions and attitudes.
·      Poem and Poetry
·      Coledrige’s new technique of criticism is called “appreciative criticism”
Two Cardinal Points of Poetry: The object of the poetry is to instruct. Coledrige begins this chapter with his views on two cardinal points of poetry.
                                          i.            The power of exiting the sympathy of the reader by modifying with the colors of imagination.
                                       ii.            The power of giving the interest of faithful adherence to the truth of nature.
According to him it was decided that Wordsworth would write poetry dealing with the theme of first cardinal point. For the first type of poetry the treatment and subject matter should be, quote Coledrige, “The sudden charm, which accidents of light and shade, which moon-light or sun-set diffused over a known and  familiar landscape, appeared to represent the practicability of combing both these are the poetry of nature.”
     In the second type of poetry, the incidents and agents were to e supernatural. With the help of imagination the natural will be dealt supernaturally by the poet and the readers will comprehend with ‘Willing suspension of disbelief.’
    Coledrige define both words Imagination & Fancy.

·      Imagination: devided into two parts 1. Primary 2. Secondary
·      Fancy: it is the secondary imagination. It is the source of baser desire is not a creative faculty but a repository for lust.
·      Primary: uniting the object of senses.
·      Secondary: uniting the objects of senses with emotions and feelings.
Poetry is the creation of secondary imagination. Coledrige is the first English critic who based his literary criticism on philosophical principles. He was more interested in the creative process.
Coledrige’s view towards Wordsworth’s poetic creed: in defense of Wordsworth’s poetic creed Coledrige did not agree with Wordsworth’s view on poetic diction, he vindicated his poetic creed in chapter 14 of Biographia Literaria.
Coledrige writes in defense to the violent assailant to the ‘language of real life’ adopted by Wordsworth in the Lyrical Ballads. Coledrige writes in his defense: “Had Mr. Wordsworth’s poems been childish thing, they had been really distinguished from the composition of other poets merely by manners of language and inanity of thought …debate between Wordsworth and Coledrige. But it does not mean that he agree with Wordsworth on all points. Coledrige argues that Wordsworth really meant that the poetic manner of combining words was no different from that of prose.
Coledrige is frank enough to point out that some of the views of Wordsworth were wrong in principle and contradictionary, not only in parts of the preface but also the practice of the poet himself in many of his points.
Coledrige clearly writes: “ with many parts of this preface in the sense attributed to them and which the words undoubtedly seem to authorize, Mr. Wordsworth in his recent collection has I find degraded this prefatory disquisition to the end of his second volume,……
Wordsworth’s own poetic performance, Coledrige noted that Wordsworth suffered the difficulties of a ventriloquist in his undue liking for the dramatic form. Here we are shown that about Wordsworth poetic creed Coledrige give full credit to the genius Wordsworth, but at some point he is not agree with him.
Difference between prose and poem: The poem contains the some elements as a prose composition. But the combination of those elements and object aimed at in both composition.
Poem:- composition in verse.
 Prose:-universal writing
·      Object of the poet may simply to facilitate the memory to recollect creation facts, he would make use of certain artificial arrangement of words with the help of metre.
·      Both are distinguished some points, poem and prose distinguished from composition in metre or by rhyme.
·      Coledrige, mere super addition of metre or rhyme does not make a poem.
·      He further explain his view  point by various prose writings and its immediate purpose and ultimate end.
·      In scientific and historical composition immediate purpose is to convey the truth.
·      Prose work like (romances & novels)to give pleasure in the immediate purpose and ultimate end may be to give the truth.
·      Next question is would then the mere super addition of metre with or without rhyme entitle these to the name of poems? Coledrige replies that if metre is super added the others parts of the composition also must harmonies with it.
·      In poem each part of the composition including metre, rhyme, diction, and must harmonies with the wholeness of the composition. In some points like, A poem therefore may be defined as, species of composition which is opposed to works of science, proposing for its immediate object pleasure not truth.
·      About metre it is merely a superficial decorative charm, if metre is super added, all other parts must be made constant with it. They all must harmonies with each other.
·      A poem therefore may be defined as that species of composition which is opposed to works of science its gratification from each component part.
·      According to Coledrige the poem is distinguished from prose. The immediate object of prose is to give truth and that of poem is to please. He calls this poem a legitimate poem. Coledrige clearly defines difference between prose and poem. He says that legitimate poem is a composition in which rhyme and the metre bear an organic relation to the total work.
·      Thus Coledrige puts an end to the age old controversy whether the end of poem is instruction or delight. Further Coledrige said that its aim is definitely to give pleasure.
·      Poem has its own distinctive pleasure arising from the parts and this pleasure of the parts supports and increases the pleasure of the whole. So here in this review Coledrige define both words in easy way.
The difference between poem and poetry: First Coledrige differentiate prose and poem after he differentiate poem and poetry. Prose, poem, poetry that three words at some extent similar but there is an major difference between them.
In the last section chapter 14 Coledrige considers to distinguished poem and poetry. Coledrige points out that “ poetry of the highest kind may exists without metre and even without contradistinguished objects of a poem”. He gives example of the writings of Plato, Jeremy Taylor and Bible. In their writings he find the objects of a poem. In chapter-XIV of the Biographia he offers his own defination of the poem as “composition” having “ for its immediate object pleasure not truth”. The quality of the prose in this writing is equal to that of high poetry.
He also asserts that the poem of any length neither can be, nor ought to be all poetry. Here we have questioned that what is poetry? How it is different from poem? So in that answer Coledrige quote that poetry is so nearly with the poem. The one is involved in the solution of the other. Poetic activity is basically an activity of the imagination. Poetic process generally go on not a similar way it’s a process of imaginative mind, thoughts and idea all things are combining each other and poem or poetry exists.
As David Daiches: ( A Critical History of English Literature) “points out that” ‘poetry’ for Coledrige is a wider category than a ‘poem’ that is poetry is a kind of activity which can be engaged in by painters or philosopher’s or scientist for those who employ language of any kind”.
·      Poetry of highest time may without metre even without object poetry exists.
·      Wordsworth in his preface, gave defination of poetry in twice first he says, “ spontaneous overflow of powerful feeling after he adds phrase, emotion recollected n tranquility”.  Here David Daiches further writes in a critical history of english literature, “The employment of the secondary imaginations a poetic activity and we see why Coledrige is let from a discussion of a poem’s activity when we realize that for him the poet belongs on the larger company of those who are distinguished by the activity of their imagination”
·      Here he says that imagination is powerful process to wrote poem. He believe that imagination is a synthetic and magical power. He gave various elements in short,
a)   Of sameness with difference
b)  The general with the concrete
c)   The idea with the image
d)  The individual with representative
e)   The sense of novelty and freshness with old and familiar object
f)    More than usual state of emotions and order
g)  Judgment with enthusiasm
Above all points are useful, it subordinate to nature, manner and matter. At the end he conclude in his own words ‘ to established the principle of writing rather than to furnish rules about how to pass judgment on what had been written by others.
Conclusion: Coledrige’s critique distinction between words and manner of combining words. In this chapter Coledrige mixing many points. Coledrige’s critical work is contained in 24 chapters of Biographia Literaria (1815-17).Here he gave new word “esemplastic imagination” about Coledrige we can say that he frankly told his views and thoughts.



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