Sunday, March 2, 2014

Examples of New historicism, Historical fact vs. implied culture with reference 'To his coy mistress' p-8 cultural studies

 M. K. Bhav. Uni. Smt. S. B. Gardi Department of English
Assignment sub: Implied culture vs. historical fact examples of new historicism with reference to his coy mistress.
Year: 2014   Roll no: 7
Sem: 2      Unit: 3
Paper: 8 – Cultural Studies
Name: Drashti V. Dave

Implied culture vs. Historical fact and examples of New historicism with reference ‘To his Coy Mistress’
First there are minor difference between historical fact and new historicism, historical fact is fact about past when new historicism is deals with history and it is against traditional historicism and formalism. Implied culture is somehow related with culture. Marvell’s to his coy mistress suggests a rejection of existing conventional beliefs and power structures in 17th century in England. Poem illuminates some of the tension between self and society that emerge.
In the poem Marvell indicate ambivalent historical moment, new historicism is to distinguished if from the somewhat dreary and encyclopedic, historical work. Implied culture is reflects implied reader and implied author that concept are interwoven, implied reader simultaneously an interpretation of the history.
A historical Fact is a Fact about the past. It answer the very basic question, “What happened?” yet beyond merely listing the events in chronological order,
                                                                Historical try to discover why events happened, what circumstances contributed to their cause, how they were interpreted etc…
 In an effort to get at what really happened, historians compare stories from a wide variety of sources, searching for common elements that wrrobrate a plausible account.
                                                                   Accounts are comparing with archeological findings. Neither history nor archeology is an exact science, but technique and technology improvements over the years have enable them both to make stronger and cases for their accounts of the past.
Yet historical facts are subject to frequent disagreement. Much disagreement is due to the past Fact that accurate history is difficult to obtain, for a variety of reasons. Much information regarding the past has been lost. Many cultures have a rich oral history, but lack written documents. Oral account or, “story telling” Suffer from an inherent loss of information.
Historical Fact does play a central role in other kinds of conflicts, for example: - long – running international conflicts over territory.
The historical rhetoric become a cyclical part of the escalating conflict – each side holds its own biases; those biases affect the way each side interprets the past; these biased interpretations are repeated and circulated with fact.
 In such a conflict it becomes increasingly difficult to uncover the authentic history are due to the continual cycle of interpretation and propaganda. In this way, historical “Fact” can add significantly to a conflict’s intractability. Here one beautiful sentence related with history and facts;
I believe that imagination is
     Stronger than knowledge-
Than myths is more potent
     Than history,
I believe that dream are more
     Powerful than facts-
That hopes always triumphs
     Over experience-
That laughter is the only cure
     For grief.
And I believe that love is
     Stronger than death
-         Robert Fulghum.
Implied Culture:-
Implied means to express or indicate by a hint or suggest. Originof this word. Imply word come from old French empire, from Latin, implicate to involve.
Implied consent is consent which is not expressly granted by a person. Culture should be seen in a broad sense, as in anthropological studies. Culture is not only understood at the advanced intellectual development of making as reflected in the arts, but it refers to all society conditioned aspects of human life. Language is also interrelated with culture.
Simple meaning of culture: is the ideas, customer and social behaviour of a particular people or society.
‘To his coy Mistress’:-
Andrew Marvell’s “To his coy Mistress” tell the reader’s good deal about the speaker of the poem, Much of which is already clear from earlier comments in this volume, using traditional approaches.
Andrew Marvell’s To His coy Mistress in this he write an elaborate poem that not only speaks to his coy mistress but also to the reader.
Mistress encompassing many literary technique including tone, imagery, alliteration, metaphor, irony, enjambment and similes. Marvell’s “To His coy Mistress” also suggests a rejection of existing conventional beliefs and power structures in seventeenth-illuminates some of the tensions between self and society that emerge in the poem. Generally, Marvell uses time symbolic for death as his archenemy in the poem. Marvell uses a dramatic sense of imagery and exaggeration in order to really his message to the reader.
“Had we but world enough and time this coyness, lady, were no crime we would sit down and think which way to walk and pass our long love’s day; thou by the Indian Gange’s side shouldest rubies find; I by the tide……
To his coy mistress by Andrew Marvell this poem in the classical tradition of a Latin love elegy, in which the speaker praises his mistress or lover through the motif of crape diem. The poem also reflects the tradition of triple- leveled soul; Biblical echoes a “platonic- Christian corporal economy,” and the convention of the blazon.
The first stanza, says broody shows “itself- insistence, exaggerated literariness”. In the second stanza broadly sees not only the conventional carpe diem theme from Horace but also echoes from Ovid. Broadly posits the implied reader – as distinct from the fictive lady- who would be able to summon up a certain number of earlier or contemporaneous examples of this kind of love poem and models which Marvell may variously have been evoking, imitating, distorting, subverting or transcending.
What is Implied reader: In a simple word when you read a book you are the actual reader you are part of a book and all you get together to discuss your own thoughts and reflections to a book.
On the other hand you get a bunch of literary theorists together to talk about a book, they are not discussing their own thoughts and hoe they really liked that one scene. They are talking about how the reader is reacting to the book or what response a certain text is electing from the reader in this case is a hypothetical person made up to represent  hoe literary theorists think someone should or would respond to the material this is implied reader.
Theory of reader response a hypothetical ‘role’ or ‘model’ of someone assumed by the author to share the knowledge necessary in order to fully understand that act or text as distinct from any actual readers.
In the poem poet compare historical fact and culture poem is spoken by a male lover to his convince her to sleep with him. Marvell wrote this poem in the classical tradition of a Latin love, elegy in which the speaker praises his mistress or lover through the motif of crape diem, or seize the day.
Marvell praises the lady’s beauty by complimenting her individual features using a device called an erotic blazon, which also evokes the influence technique of 15th and 16th century patriarchal love poetry.
In other words like Marvell, the speaker is a highly elucated person, one who associated images moves lightly over details and allusions that reflects who he is, and he expects his reader or reader to respond in a kind of harmonic vibration. He thinks in terms of precious stones of exotic and distant places, of a milieu where eating, drinking, and making seem to be an achievable way of life.
The implied reader is embodied in the way in which text structures response in the form of a network of schemata patterns points of view and indeterminacies that requires and constrain interpretation. I this poem poet talking about coy lady and in that sense speaker known from his own words, and justified in speculating that his coy lady is like the implied reader. Poet compare coy lady with implied reader he uses it in parody. He seems to assume that she understands the parodic nature of his comments for talking her in on the jests he appeals to her intellect comparison of to his coy mistress is poet’s idea and it might appear to be the culture and the era of the speaker his lady- and his implied culture with reader.
In to his coy mistress we know of the speaker from his own words, we are justified in speculating that his coy lady is like the implied reader, equally well educated and therefore knowledgeable of the conventions he uses in parody. I that sense Marvell’s poem is truly represent implied reader and historical fact.
 With reference to historical fact one more important thing is also apply here that is New Historicism.
New Historicism: New historicism is a literary theory based on the idea that literature should be studied and interpreted within the context of both history of the author and the history of the critic. It is based on parallel reading of literary and non-literary texts of the same historical period. The basic concept of new historicism is ‘inter- textuality’.
Historical fact is new when historicism is history itself is a form of social oppression, told in a series of raptures with previous ages; it is more accurately described as discontinuous riven by “Fault lines” that must be integrated into succeeding, culture by the epitomes of power and Knowledge.
New historicism frequently borrows terminology from the marketplace. In marketplace: negotiation, exchange and circulation of ideas are described. From Foucault perspective new historicists developed the idea of broad “totalizing” function of culture observable in its literary texts, which foacalt called episteme.
Here one best example related with new historicism is, Jonathan Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels. In his novel he gave that name to Flying Island in the third voyage it is Laputa. One main thing is the science fiction aspect of that island is shown here. There are many question arise in that time but there may be answer and as well new historicism is the right approach to answer this type of question. So in that sense new historicism is necessary. There are many writers gave their views about new historicism that are;
Michael Warner phrases new historicism’s motto as
                The text is historical, and history is textual
Frederic Jameson insisted “Always historicize.” As a return to historical Scholarship, new historicism concerns itself with extra literary matters-letters, diaries, films, paintings, medical treatises-looking to reveal opposing historical tensions in a text.
New historicists seek “Surprising Coincidences.” New historians see such cross-cultural phenomena as texts in themselves when one question arise about Laputa island now how can new historicism helps us answer the question raised.
In that answer Flying Island and female anatomy. Gynecology power in Gulliver’s Travels. Susan Bruce offers a reading of book iii that makes some new historicist sense out of Swift’s use of Laputa. Bruce examines a four volume commentary on Gulliver’s Travels by one coralline di Marco.
Di Marco’s observation gets to the episode in book iv, A voyage to the Houyhnhnms, in which Gulliver captures rabbits for food. At that point he Versimilluate that thing.
So new historicism is a historicism that deals with history imaginatively and subversively. In Gulliver’s Travels we can say about that it was quite interesting to read the book, how each different journey he went on the people he meant depicted different group of people in history, as well as Swift’s comments on those group of people.   
Examples of New historicism:
A new historicist looks literature in a wider historical context. For example, studying Shakespeare’s Merchant of Venice, one always comes to the question of whether the play shows Shakespeare to be anti-Semitic. The new historicist recognizes that this is not a simple yes or no answer that can be tested out by studying the text. This work must be judged in the context in which it was written; it is focus on a text from it point of view of the cultural moment. New historicism and history and fact are related to each other. It is developed in 1980s through the work of Stephen Greenbelt which gained prominence and influence in 1990s. There are many books and arties which are based on theory of new historicism. One is Historicism by Paul Hamilton. Cultural Historicism by Albert H. Tricomi. Many new historicism have a knowledge a profound indebtedness to the writings of Michel Foucault, French  philosopher historian According to Foucault, has a single Cause; rather, each event is tide into a vast web of economic, social, and political factors. Like Karl Marx, Foucault shows history in terms of power. Through this poem (To his coy mistress) Marvell portrays his subject as a dangerous subject and in doing so evokes the discord of the political moment. Poem its Systematic rejection of authority. This “marginalized” groups. C.S Lewis, writing new historicism had become an accepted school of literary criticism; Elements of new historicism provide many other postmodern ideas, like queer theory and gender studies. So historical fact does not give ‘universal truth’ but rather gives ‘half truth’ or part of truth.



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